Celebrating 50 Years of History, Hope, and Healing in Greater Washington
For half a century, the Greater Washington Community Foundation has unleashed the transformational power of nearly $1.7 billion in philanthropic investments to support an equitable, just, and thriving region.
As we celebrate our 50th anniversary in 2023, we are reflecting on the challenges we’ve overcome together as a community, while we look ahead to new opportunities to build a better future for our region where everyone prospers.
We are excited to share with you our history-making work which has inspired hope and fostered healing to create long-lasting impact for our region.
Making History
Discover the inspiring story of how a humble public charity, established in 1973, transformed into the preeminent local funder in the Greater Washington region.
Inspiring Hope
Learn how our unwavering support has created long-lasting impact in our local communities.
Fostering Healing
Our history shows that addressing radical challenges leads to transformative change, and we're committed to continuing this legacy for our next 50 years.
Leading for the Moment
Our transformational impact would not be possible without the diverse changemakers – our donors and partners – who are part of our community of givers. Every day we are inspired by their stories of generosity and commitment to this region, and we are excited to share them with you throughout the year.
Our thanks go out to the many community leaders who have contributed to our first 50 years of impact!
Patty Abramson
Eric Adler
James B. Adler
Mary Pat Alcus
Mac Asbill Jr
Larry Bailey
Stewart W. Bainum, Sr
Marie C. Barksdale
Fernando Barrueta
John J. Barry
Terry Beaty
Diane Bernstein
Max N. Berry
Kevin Beverly
Don Beyer
Douglas Bibby
Robert Boisture
Frank Bradley
David M. Bradt, Jr.
Gerald Brock
Donald Brown
Ronald H. Brown
Michael A. Brunner
William Burgess
Vincent C. Burke, Jr.
Richard Bynum
Peggy Cooper Cafritz
Daniel J. Callahan III
Virginia Cheung
George P. Clancy
Sheldon Cohen
Carol Thompson Cole
Allan D. Cors
Edmund B. Cronin, Jr.
County Executive Wayne K. Curry
Kent Cushenberry
Jack Davies
Susan Davis
Lia Dean
John Devine
Allison Cryor DiNardo
Lesley-Jane Dixon
Siobhan Doherty
Dr. Charlene Dukes
Rich Dumais
Robert Elliott
Kenny Emson
Walter Fatzinger
Nancy Fax
Arthur S. Flemming
Barbara K. Fletcher
Richard Fogg
Lee M. Folger
Nancy “Bitsey” Folger
Major General Calvin G. Franklin
Elizabeth B. Frazier
Ernest Gellhorn
Stephen Goldberg
Wendy Goldberg
Richard Goldman
Katharine Graham
Michele Hagans
Shirley Robinson Hall
Artis Hampshire-Cowan
Stephen Harlan
Francis Harper
William C. Harris
Antoinette Hatfield
John D. Hawke, Jr.
Verdia Haywood
John (Til) Hazel, Jr.
John W. Hechinger, Sr
Richard Hindin
Cheray Hodges
Luther H. Hodges, Jr.
M. Colman Holman
Governor Linwood Holton
Lawrence A. Hough
George Hoyt
Maceo Hubbard
Stephen Huttler
Tim Hwang
Alexine Clement Jackson
Debbi Jarvis
Dr. Charlene Drew Jarvis
Veronica Jeon
Marie C. Johns
Mitchell Johnson
Gary Jonas
Rosalyn Levy Jonas
Boisfeuillet Jones, Jr
Ann D Jordan
Betsy Karel
Marianne Keler
Clifford M. Kendall
Dr. Nancy Kfoury
Charito Kruvant
James F. LaFond
Henry W. Lavine
Karen Leder
Dr. Toon Lee
Linda Lee
Ronald Lee
Dr. LaSalle Leffall, Jr.
Gloria Lemos
Bruce Levenson
Delano E. Lewis
R. Robert Linowes
Natalie Ludaway
Joan Maxwell
Daniel Mayers
Edward McCabe
April McClain-Delaney
Patricia A. McGuire
Ann McLaughlin
Commissioner Regina McNeill
Mark Meagher
John M. Meek
Ethelbert Miller
Virginia “Scooter” Miller
W. Jarvis Moody
Mario Morino
Sean Morris
Thomas Murphy
Bernard Nees
Robert L. Nelson
A. G. Newmyer III
The Honorable Eleanor Holmes Norton
Michael O’Neill
Alex Orfinger
Manuel Ortiz
Brig Owens
Leo Perlis
Robert Petersen
Edwin Pfeiffer
Leonard Pfeiffer IV
Abe Pollin
John V. Pollock
Winifred Riggs Portenoy
Vincent Reed
Joseph H. Riley
C. Jackson Ritchie Jr.
Elijah B. Rogers
David Roodberg
Denise Turner Roth
Mark D. Rothman
Martin Rubenstein
Gene Sachs
Vicki Sant
Ray Scherer
Samuel Schreiber
John T. Schwieters
Polly Shackleton
Sonal Shah
Foster Shannon
David Shiffrin
William Shipp, Esq
Jonathan Silver
Neal Simon
Margaret “Kitty” Skallerup
Stephen Slade
Rodney Slater
Donald Smiley
Joshua I. Smith
Pete Smith
Richard Snowdon
Davidson Sommers
Sterling Speirn
C. Eugene Steurele
Howard Stone, Jr.
Henry “Hank” Strong
Cathy Sulzberger
Sonya Swygert
R. Eugene Taylor
William W. Taylor III
Wendy Thompson-Marquez
Kenneth R. Thornton
Robert Torray
Ronald Townsend
Thomas Troyer
Jim Vance
Ladislaus Von Hoffman
George Vradenburg
Bishop John T. Walker
Clarice Dibble Walker
Robert Washington
Martin Weinstein
Peter Welber
Anne Wexler
Katharine Weymouth
Cliff White
Joseph L. Whyte
Emily Womach
J. Hillman Zahn
Barry Zorthian